Digital Transformation of the Company

As the Sohbi Group, we have over 100 years of experience in designing and improving production lines

Lean management training
,,Lean Management"

We will train and introduce your employees to the concept of business management in order to achieve the highest productivity at work.

Computer simulations

Analysis and improvement of lines using computer simulations.

Line analysis and improvement

Lean Subscription


Start Your Digital Transformation Now

Webone About

The power of experience

As the Sohbi Group, we have over 100 years of experience in designing and improving production lines.

In its quest for continuous improvement, at the end of 2022 the Polish branch – Sohbi Craft Poland Sp. z o. o. – has decided to purchase a software licence to simulate production lines in a virtual environment.


Line analysis and improvement

Computer simulations help to understand processes and involve more people in the design and improvement process

Lean Subscription

Build a sustainable foundation for a Lean culture in your company


A wide range of training courses provided by experienced specialists

Meet our team →

Our services

Your processes in good hands

Line analysis and improvement

Our simulations make it possible to reproduce information on production lines (both existing and planned), in virtual reality.

Line analysis and improvement

We offer to collaborate on the improvement of a single line or the entire production process selected by the Customer using computer-based, interactive simulations.

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Lean subscription

At the Customer's request, we cover the company with Lean supervision.

Lean subscription

Subscription means a longer form of cooperation, taking into account not only line improvement using simulation, but also the aspect of building a Lean culture in the Customer's organisation.

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We offer training and implementation in the broad field of Lean Management.


Training offer always tailored to the needs of the individual client.

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Explore our projects

Poznaj nas przez projekty, które zrealizowaliśmy.


Line analysis and improvement

Wirtualny model fabryki SCPL.


Lean subscription

Doskonalenie procesu przezbrojenia linii pras.



"Podstawy Lean" dla słuchaczy Politechniki Bydgoskiej.

Wszystkie usługi →

Generating ideas is a team effort

We facilitate business processes by creating special ideas for each of our clients.

Years of experience
Satisfied customers
Completed projects
Our awards

Scope of services

We tailor our quotations individually to the needs and capabilities of our clients

Line analysis and improvement

See your processes in a completely different perspective.

  • ✓ Presentation of simulation possibilities
  • ✓ Identification of areas for improvement
  • ✓ Collaborative implementation
  • ✓ Full implementation

Line analysis and improvement

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Lean subscription

Much more than just process improvements.

  • ✓ Lean maturity audit of the company
  • ✓ Simulation of existing lines
  • ✓ Training (Lean, ISO, internal audits)
  • ✓ Verification of improvement ideas
  • ✓ Support in the design of new lines

Lean subscription

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Unique training offer.

  • ✓ Individualisation of training projects
  • ✓ Practitioner trainers with many years of experience
  • ✓ Our factory is a training workshop
  • ✓ On-site implementation of Lean management
  • ✓ We remain in warranty contact